The 31-Day Clear Skin Challenge You Need To Start Now!

The 31-Day Clear Skin Challenge You Need To Start Now!

Have you always wondered what it’s like to have clear skin?

Of course, you did. We’re all guilty of that.

Now, what if I tell you that you can actually achieve that- in just 31 days?

I know the idea might sound crazy but it’s actually possible. And that’s where this 31-day clear skin challenge fits in.

Adding these little changes in your daily routine can dramatically transform your skin in just a month. Seriously!

The 31-Day Clear Skin Challenge You Need To Start Now!

So, shall we get started?


Day 1: Go to bed early


There’s a reason it’s called a beauty sleep. This is when the skin recovers and repairs itself, which is why some people call it the closest thing to the fountain of youth.

Having enough sleep leads to fewer wrinkles as the skin can produce more collagen. It also boosts blood circulation, meaning you’ll have a healthier glow overall.

Adults should get around 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night to notice a difference in their skin.

Day 2: Find a gentle cleanser and stick with it


Washing your face is the most important part of any beauty routine. But, with a lot of cleansers available, how do you know which is the right one?

Now, let me stress this out:

Make sure your face wash is made for your skin type. Choosing the wrong one can do more harm than good to your skin.

Make it a habit to read ingredient lists and really check what a product contains. It shouldn’t have any harsh ingredients, fragrance or alcohol as they can irritate and dry your skin out.

As to how often you should wash your face, try to do it twice a day.

Cleanse your face in the morning to remove any dead skin cells and oils that have accumulated as you sleep. Wash your face again before hitting your bed to make sure no makeup residues, dirt and excess oil can get trapped inside your pores.

Day 3: Add a toner to your routine


If your existing skincare routine doesn’t involve a toner, it’s high-time you invest in one.

Toners can remove any residue your face wash might have left behind. They can also get rid of excess oil while minimizing your pores.

And you know what else?

Toners can restore your skin’s pH balance, too. This makes skin irritation less likely to happen.

Day 4: Exfoliate


Exfoliation helps slough off dead skin cells so you can have fresher and healthier-looking skin. It can also help unclog your pores to make sure your skin is less likely to break out.

A word of caution, though.

Although exfoliation is good for the skin, you should avoid doing it more than thrice a week. It can cause micro-tears in your skin which can make it prone to infection.

Day 5: Check your diet


To get clear skin, using the right products won’t be enough; you have to make sure you eat foods that are beneficial to your skin, too.

Skip sugary and fatty foods and stick with fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C-rich foods are great to add to your diet since they can promote collagen production and help with wound healing and cellular turnover.

As to which foods you should avoid, you can check out this list.

Day 6: Create an at-home face mask


Creating your own face mask gives you the freedom to include ingredients that can solve your specific skin concerns. It’s also a good way to make sure that no harsh chemicals can compromise your skin.

Try to use one at least twice a week. Doing so can boost your skin’s hydration in a way that your regular moisturizer can’t do.

With the right ingredients, a DIY face mask can also help you deal with acne, blackheads and oily skin, too.

Now, if you are wondering what face masks you can do at home, here’s a list you can check out.

Day 7: Wash your sheets


Did you know that a large number of mites, fungi, and feces accumulate in your sheets even after one night?

Gross, I know.

Dirty sheets can be a home to bacteria like Staphylococcus and E. coli which can cause various skin infections. They can also accumulate dead skin cells and dirt which can get into your pores, triggering skin breakouts.

To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, make it a habit to clean your sheets at least once a week. I suggest using laundry detergents made for sensitive skin as they’re mild and free of fragrances and parabens that could irritate the skin.

Day 8: Apply your sunscreen


Sunscreens protect the skin from damage and skin cancer so make sure to apply one even on “cloudy days”. Remember, 80% of the sun’s rays can still penetrate the skin.

Choose sunscreens that offer broad-spectrum protection and with at least SPF 30 for better sun protection. Make sure to apply every after 2 hours or as necessary.

Day 9: Start using an eye cream


Don’t wait until fine lines appear before you start using an eye cream.

The skin around the eyes is much thinner compared to the rest of your face. This is one good reason why it’s one of the first parts of your body to age fast.

Eye creams have a thicker formula compared to regular moisturizers. They contain high levels of special ingredients and oils to nourish this extremely fragile part of your face.

Day 10: Go makeup-free

Did you know that wearing too much makeup can make you look older than your actual age?

Too much makeup can cause clogged pores which eventually lead to breakouts. They can also contain ingredients that can irritate and dry out your skin.

So, do yourself a favor and try to go makeup-free once in a while.

Let your skin breathe from time to time. Trust us, your skin will be clearer and happier.

Day 11: Drink a detox water


Drinking water is necessary for clear skin but plain water can be boring. So, why not try detox water instead?

Simply speaking, detox water is water infused with herbs, fruits and vegetables. It removes harmful wastes and toxins from the body to improve not just your skin but your overall health, too. 

Day 12: Check your skincare products for expiration

If this tip freaked you out, I’m not that surprised.

A lot of people actually forget that skincare products contain active ingredients that can lose potency and become less effective after a period of time.

To make sure your products are still in top shape, simply check the bottom of their packaging and look for a jar with a number beside it. That number indicates how many months your product’s shelf life is.

So, if you see a “24M,” it means that it’s good for 24 months.

Day 13: Find a serum

Serums contain active ingredients to target specific skin concerns. They’re like moisturizers but they have smaller molecules which allow them to penetrate the skin faster.


If you have aging skin or you’re prone to acne, your best option is vitamin C serum. It offers tons of benefits- from helping with wound healing to fading acne spots and scars.

Now, if you are wondering which brand to go for, you can check out our in-depth review here. If you want a quick answer, you can go ahead and check out our most recommended product.

You can save as much as 10% if you use this link.

Day 14: Throw away expired makeup


Makeup becomes a breeding ground for bacteria once it gets exposed to the air. Then, imagine putting the same bacteria infested stuff to your precious face.

Sickening, right?

This is why you must take note how long your makeup stays fresh. When it comes to checking the expiry date of makeup, the rule is basically the same with skincare products.

Day 15: Clean your makeup brushes


Like makeup, makeup brushes are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Using them can cause irritated and problematic skin.

Because of this, makeup brushes should be washed at least once a week. However, if you think your brushes are “overused,” consider washing them twice a week.

Though you can use special brush cleansers, they aren’t really needed. A mild shampoo and some water will do: just remember to massage and rinse it off gently.

Day 16: Enjoy a cup of green tea


Green tea has a lot of skin benefits whether applied to the skin or taken internally. It acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent and is full of antioxidants.

This study by the Medical College of Georgia shows that drinking green tea can help improve skin complexion. It can also aid in skin rejuvenation for wounds and diseases to heal faster.

Day 17: Create your own rosewater mist

Rosewater is known as an anti-inflammatory agent. It can help soothe irritation and calm redness and swelling.

This is why it’s a popular remedy for rosacea and eczema.

And since it also has antibacterial properties, you can use it to minimize acne breakouts as well as other skin infections.

Day 18: Dry brush


It’s exactly what it sounds like.

Dry brushing means brushing your dry skin with a brush. It has a number of benefits including exfoliation, increasing circulation and reducing cellulite.

When choosing a dry skin brush, opt for one that has natural and firm bristles. Use it at least twice a day for best results.

Day 19: Increase your intake of vitamin C rich foods


I know I’ve already mentioned about vitamin C-rich foods, but allow me to explain further.

Adding vitamin C-rich foods to your diet offers tons of benefits and I’m not even exaggerating.

Apart from boosting collagen production and helping with wound repair, these foods can also help slow down the signs of skin aging. They can even help protect your skin against UV rays to some extent.

Day 20: Take a detox bath


Toxins are harmful substances that can have a huge negative impact on your health. You can get them from frequent exposure to pollution, pesticides and processed foods.

This is where detox baths fit in.

They can help remove those toxins to improve both your skin and overall health.

There are several detox bath recipes you can try. Whichever one you choose, make sure to spend at least 45 minutes for the best results.

The first half is to remove all the toxins, while the other half is for the body to fully absorb all the minerals.

Day 21: Use a sheet mask

Sheet masks basically work like face masks. The only difference is they contain serums that deliver nutrients for a better complexion.

That’s why you should avoid washing your face after removing the mask. Massage and pat in the remaining serum into the skin until it gets fully absorbed.


Sheet masks shouldn’t replace your regular face masks. Only use them at least twice a week.

Day 22: Do your own blackhead remover

Blackheads are one of the many forms of acne. Unlike your typical zits, they are buried in the skin and turn black because of oxidation.

Since they are buried deep, they can be tricky to pull out. Luckily, we have this list of effective DIY blackhead removers you can check out.

A word of caution:

Despite how tempting it is, you should limit their use to once a week to make sure you don’t damage your skin.

Day 23: Remove all your makeup


Did you know that sleeping with your makeup on can make your skin age by up to 10 years? So, if you’ve been too lazy to take off all your makeup, it’s time to ditch the habit.

To start, you can use makeup removers to get most of the makeup products off of your skin. However, make sure you don’t stop there.

Wash your face with a good cleanser to ensure that no traces of makeup get left behind. If you’re up for a more elaborate routine, you can go ahead and try the oil cleansing method.

We actually have a quick guide here which you can use.

Day 24: Use a humidifier


Buying a humidifier may seem too much to achieve clear skin. But, what if I tell you it benefits your overall health and not just your skin?

You’ll find humidifiers are worth buying after all.

Humidifiers support healthy skin by fighting dryness caused by the dry, cold air. They can help you avoid irritation and itch.

Day 25: Do a face massage

Never underestimate what a simple facial massage can do.

A good facial massage can improve your skin’s blood circulation. It can help you achieve a rosier complexion with less fine lines and wrinkles.

Don’t have enough time? Don’t worry.

You can do a face massage as you’re applying your skincare product. It won’t only boost your skin’s circulation but it can help with product absorption, too.

Day 26: Disinfect your phone



Your phone is 10 times dirtier than your toilet seat.

It can accumulate bacteria, dirt and oil from your hands and the things it gets in contact with. Now, imagine those same things getting into your skin.

Disgusting, I know.

This is why it’s important to disinfect your phone regularly. You can use alcohol-based wipes to remove those microbes and prevent them from causing your skin to break out.

Day 27: Exercise


Exercise contributes to clear skin by increasing blood flow. And while it does not detoxify the skin, it flushes out cellular debris for a better complexion.

Regular exercise can also help lower stress levels. In case you don’t know, stress can cause acne by stimulating oil production which ultimately leads to clogged pores.

Day 28: Spot treat acne with tea tree oil


When it comes to acne, you can never go wrong with tea tree oil. It’s known to be an antibacterial and an anti-inflammatory agent.

Now, there are several ways to use tea tree for acne. You can use this list if you want a clearer idea on how you can use it.

But, remember this:

Tea tree oil is very potent. If it is your first time to use it, make sure to perform a patch test first to see how your skin reacts.

Day 29: Clean your skincare tools

Facial brushes are great for exfoliating and deep cleansing the skin. But, when not cleaned properly, they can accumulate dead skin cells that can harm your skin.

To make sure they don’t trigger breakouts, clean them every now and them. This may seem like a tedious task, but your skin will definitely thank you for doing so.

Day 30: Skip long hot showers


Hot showers are relaxing, particularly after a long and tiring day. But, did you know this simple habit can be very damaging to your skin?


Well, hot showers dry out the skin. They strip the skin of its natural oils, causing peeling, itching and redness.

So, when bathing, opt for cooler baths. Limit bathing time, avoid harsh soaps and always use a moisturizer to lock in moisture.

Day 31: Take your vitamins


Taking care of your skin isn’t just about what you eat; it should also involve making sure your skin receives all the nutrients it needs to function properly.

And since you can’t get all the nutrients your body needs from diet alone, you can try taking supplements and vitamins. Some of your best options include zinc, vitamin E and vitamin C.

Now, before you actually add a supplement to your routine, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor first, particularly if you are taking prescription medications. This is to prevent any negative drug interactions that can put your health at risk.


Having clear skin requires a lot of hard work but it isn’t impossible. You just have to be fully committed and disciplined if you want to achieve your goal.

That is exactly what this 31-day clear skin challenge aims to show you. By encouraging you to make simple changes in your daily routine, it can help prevent breakouts, improve your complexion and enhance your overall skin health.

So, what are you waiting for? 

Dr Kathleen May Eusebio-Alpapara

A board-certified dermatologist who practices both medical and cosmetic dermatology

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