How to Get Rid of Whiteheads: 4 Simple Remedies You Can Do At Home
Whiteheads may not be as noticeable as your other zits but they can still drive you crazy. If you’ve tried almost everything just to get rid of them, you probably know how stubborn they can be.
So, to end your frustrations and help you get the clear skin you’ve always wanted, here’s a quick guide on how to get rid of whiteheads at home.
But, before we get to the actual remedies, let’s talk about whiteheads first.
The Truth About Whiteheads
Technically, whiteheads are just like blackheads in that they are a form of mild acne. They typically happen when bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells get trapped inside the pores.
Now, unlike blackheads, whiteheads appear as white bumps on the skin. They are white because the pores remain closed so no oxidation happens.
Oxidation is basically the same thing that happens when you cut an apple open and you expose it to air. That exposure triggers a chemical reaction that changes a substance’s color to black.
Whiteheads can vary in size. Some are so small that they are virtually invisible while others grow into large blemishes.
Although they aren’t painful, whiteheads can still get in the way of your journey towards clear skin.
Now, let’s go back to the remedies.
1. Aloe Vera and Lemon Juice Paste
Frequency: No more than thrice a week
How To Do It:
Why It Works:
Aloe vera is an antimicrobial agent which means it can kill the bacteria living on your skin. It also has anti-inflammatory properties to help reduce any swelling or redness.
Lemons, on the other hand, work as an astringent in this remedy. They help minimize and tighten pores to prevent whiteheads from forming.
Tip: Only use fresh aloe vera gel when using this remedy. If you have sensitive skin and find lemons irritating, gradually increase the amount of aloe vera until irritation stops.
2. Almond and Rose Water Paste
Frequency: Everyday
How To Do It:
Why It Works:
Almond powder serves as an exfoliator to slough off dead skin cells. It removes excess oil, too, to prevent your pores from getting clogged.
Remember: having clean pores means lesser chances of breakouts and whiteheads.
Apart from getting rid of dead skin cells, almonds are also a good source of Vitamin E. This vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage and premature skin aging.
Meanwhile, rosewater helps hydrate dry skin. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties to calm down inflamed and angry skin, too.
Tip: Avoid store-bought rose water as much as possible. Most of them contain preservatives that can make this remedy less effective.
3. Turmeric and Coriander Powder Face Mask
Frequency: Every other day
How To Do It:
Why It Works:
Coriander is both an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent.
This antibacterial quality targets bad microbes that damage the skin. Its anti-inflammatory quality, on the other hand, calms irritated skin.
And you know what else?
Coriander is a rich source of vitamins C and E. When combined, these two vitamins can fight premature aging and offer sun protection.
Speaking of which, did you know these two vitamins can also be found in our vitamin C serum?
Yes, that’s right. So, if you want to skip all the mess yet still want to experience the wonder of those antioxidants, you can grab one by clicking here.
Going back…
Turmeric is an herb that’s known for its long list of skin benefits. For one, it acts as an antibacterial agent that can target P. acnes, one of the main causes of your acne.
Tip: Apply the mixture carefully and avoid it from getting anywhere but your face. This yellow spice is notorious for staining anything it touches.
Also, if you feel a burning sensation after rinsing the mask off, rub an ice cube all over your face until the warm sensation goes away.
4. Coconut Oil
Frequency: Every night
How To Use It:
Why It Works:
Putting coconut oil on your face sounds scary, but trust me on this.
Coconut oil has lauric acid which has antibacterial properties. It can fight P. acnes, the bacteria that cause acne.
Don’t believe it?
Well, this study shows how coconut oil is 15 times more effective than benzoyl peroxide in killing bacteria!
Coconut oil is also loaded with antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals. It also works as a great moisturizer to seal in water and prevent it from evaporating.
Now, there’s just a small catch.
This method isn’t for everyone. While some people find coconut oil great for keeping acne at bay, some say it causes them to break out.
Tip: Always choose virgin coconut oil when treating acne or whiteheads. Make sure to have the oil in its purest form and avoid those that contain fragrances or dyes.
You will also experience a purging phase while using this method. If the thought of having more pimples freaks you out, I suggest going easy with it by starting with a thin layer.
Whiteheads, despite their size, are equally as ugly as pimples.
Some think of them as “baby sisters” of zits and are nothing to worry about. This, however, is completely false.
No matter what their size is, whiteheads can still negatively affect your complexion as well as your self-esteem.
So, to get that clear skin you’ve always dreamed of, give these remedies a try and see how they can dramatically change your skin.
Take note that they can’t give you the results you want overnight. But, with patience and consistency, you’ll surely be on your way to fairer and clearer skin.
How do you deal with whiteheads? Share your own tips below!
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